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Parklife: News and Events

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Updated: Sep 24, 2024

At the end of July, our park was visited by Ben Howard, Enfield council’s new community engagement officer for parks and leisure.

During the course of an hour long walk through the park led by senior FOPP volunteer Sumishta, Ben learnt first hand the work carried it out by FoPP volunteers and park staff in order to keep the park a valuable community resource.

He was left with little doubt how important a park Pymmes is to local people. He was also left with no doubts the additional work needed to ensure the park is maintained, and where possible properly resourced, in order to provide the community with a free to use leisure space.

If there are any developments from this meeting regarding the park, we will let you know.

Regular users of the park will have notice that the visitor centre has suffered extensive fire damage.

Unfortunately, you may have also noticed racist graffiti left on the disused toilet block and right-wing messaging sprayed on the Visitors Centre fencing.

It is clearly a shame that someone(s) has committed such vandalism to our precious ' park. Fortunately these were removed within days by the Council. If you spot any vandalism in the future please do not hesitate in contacting the police. The park is open to all and a resource for everyone.

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