Victoria Rd, Edmonton
London N18
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A Brief History of Pymmes Park
The area known as Pymmes Park dates back to 1327 when William Pymme built a mansion here. Prior to1578 the estate changed hands several times until Thomas Wilson, a statesman, bought the estate in 1579. In 1582 William Cecil,1st Baron Burghley, Lord High Treasurer, purchased the estate which remained in the family until 1801. The Ray family owned the estate from 1808 to 1899. The estate was then purchased by the local council to provide public open space following an increase in the local population. The park was opened to the public in 1906.
Clean and clear on a winter's day
Facing Silver Street
The walkway along the side of the lake
Past the Bridge on the lower path
This building no longer exists
This is the Cedar Tree (in the background) many local residents protested against it being cut down but in the end it was destroyed in the middle of the night!