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Our Vision

Friends of Pymmes Park are a team of volunteers who love Pymmes Park so much that they give their time freely to ensure the health and welbeing of the park is maintained and made safe for the many animals as well as the various people who enjoy it.

It is their hope that more people, young, old and inbetween, will come and visit, care for and enjoy the park as much as Friends of Pymmes Park do.

Because of various cutbacks and financial shortages to care for the park, it is up to everyone to understand what is needed for such a special park as Pymmes. 

The 1st Friends of Pymmes Park
Photo Challenge!




As a way of getting to know the varied creatures and plant life in Pymmes Park, we have indicated icons with Birdwatch, Bugwatch and Plantwatch on this website.


Over time, Friends of Pymmes would like you to take photos of those creatures or plants you have seen in the park and tell us which part of the park you have seen them in and we will post them on a special page on this website dedicated to Birds, Bugs and Plants in Pymmes Park and we will give you credit of course!

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